Monday 27 October 2014

How Many Emails Did You Receive Today? Question #27

One. I had one email today. Okay, one that I actually read.

In April 2014, I returned to Canada after spending five great months in Jamaica. My return was precipitated by a couple of things:
  1. I was awakened from my  dream of 12 years to relocate to my country of origin even on a part-time basis
  2. My daughter was expecting my first grandchild and I wanted to be close to her.

While in Jamaica and prior to that, my email inbox was always jam-packed with messages every morning, especially after opening Daughters of Sheba Foundation to the public and extending our social media presence.

Email came in from all over the world, covering a range of topics, including marriage proposals from very wealthy African princes who somehow could not access their large inheritances without marrying me?!

Try as I might to answer as many as possible some got missed. When it got to the point of ridiculous, I made a decision only to respond to persons who actually needed the support that DOS could offer, as well as emails from Twitter followers who wanted to make contact with me to lend support to DOS.

Google Mail also has a beautiful feature of sending emails to various categories such as “Promotions,” “Social,” “Primary,” etc. If you do not fall in my Primary category – your email might not get read at all!

The only email that I read today actually was from PC Plus – my grocery reward programme. I expected it as the Customer Service Representative asked me whether I wanted her to send me some additional information after crediting my account with a couple thousand points.

In the office, we have a tendency to either walk to a colleague's office or pick up the phone. We are a much friendlier bunch than any organisation I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

The Internet, social media and emailing have become such integral parts of our lives – however, it is important to use them rather than be controlled by them.

That is my answer to today’s Question of the Day (#27). Share yours here or on our Facebook page and keep clearing those inboxes. 

Claudette is the Founder of DOS Foundation and the main Contributor to this blog.

Last article in this #October series:

What Impact Do You Hope To Have?


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