We humans fight this truth, a losing battle though it might be. Failing to see that life is about expansion, in fact one might say that life is expansion, we humans live for the destination.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" This is the question most children are asked. Whatever the response will be the measure of their success or failure, unfortunately.
To change one's mind, to deviate from the script is tantamount to sacrilege in some homes. "But you said," is the accusatory response when an individual changed his or her mind, did something else, reached for another desire or simply came home by a different route. Somehow we got it in our heads that to change course is a bad thing.
Why is that so? Could it be because we are more focused on getting there rather than the trip there? We want the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and changing the route, the departure date or taking the bus might mean getting there late and someone else got it or never reaching there at all.
Would you be shocked to know there is no pot of gold, no end of the rainbow and no destination to get to?
The desire (want) is all that there is! It is what expands us and it's the road map."You never get it wrong and you never get it done," was one of the most freeing statements for me to hear. I had beaten up on myself for some of the changes in my life, the detours that I took, the pits that I fell into and the destinations never reached.
My answer to that age old question was first, "I want to be a doctor," not because of any true passion for medicine but it sounded good and my childhood friends had said that as well. From an early age we learn to keep up or surpass the Joneses. When we "failed" to do so, shame and disappointment sets in as "you got it wrong." It took me all of 40 years to give a finger to that notion.
Pursuing the desires of our hearts, seeking What seeks us is all that matters. Your mode of dress, whether in a doctor's coat or in an overall, is not the point. How you travel - joy-filled, at peace and freely; or angrily, shame-filled and envious - will determine the length and smoothness of your ride.
"Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love..." Rumi
Listen to your heart, clarify your vision, take your eyes off what others have or are doing and live YOUR desires.
Feel free to contact me should you want to share how the "trip" has been for you. Leave a comment here or on our Facebook page. You may also follow us on Twitter.
Be blessed!
Photo Source: moazmodernvinyl.com
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