Monday 13 April 2015

This Miserable or Magical Life?

Romantic I am. At least I think so. Maybe my exes would not agree.

"Romanticizer" of life - not guilty on that score.

Wine me, dine me, make coffee for me and, best of all, have intelligent, witty, thought-provoking conversations with me and you will have me eating out of your hands. Well, metaphorically. You will at least have my keen interest.

Tell me that all that glitters might very well be gold, that there is milk and honey paving the streets or that my knight in shining armour will come one day soon if I keep hopeful and you will lose me.

Somewhere smack dab in the middle is where you will find me. In my books, life is experienced on a spectrum and whether it is misery or magical, mundane or miraculous is totally dependent on perspective. Your own.

Magic or if you prefer, miracles happen every day, everywhere and for everyone. The same is true of misery or mundane experiences. Some believe that those living in North America have a magical life. Others believe that those in Africa or other parts of the developing world (hate that label) are in misery.

Having lived in both "worlds," I know that both opinions are not only generalizations but incorrect, ignorant and uninformed.

Tell the person sitting in a prison cell in Canada, as I have attempted to do, that life is good and you might get more than a colourful earful. Hungry, feeling bereft of opportunities to make a decent living and marginalized for many different reasons, some resort to crime as the only viable option. They too wanted the magical life that they heard exists in North America.

Then there are those who seemingly have it all but cannot stop to enjoy it as they are in constant motion to get more. This is very similar to those in their country or in other parts of the world who have much less than they do but are in the same motion to acquire.

Observing this, it left me with the question, "Who or what determines quality of life?" The multi-Me have come up with an equal amount of responses:

  1. The romantic in me responds that quality of life is measured by the relationship one is in and whether you are happy within it. 
  2. The practical, rational me says that quality of life is higher when you own a house, enough cars to serve the household, an income to satisfy all your needs, at least six months savings in the bank and after all that still have disposable income to spend however you want.

The me who has walked part way along both the roads of poverty and the one leading to high income responds, Neither of the above by themselves." Quality of life is about having a great relationship, in fact great relationships of all types and, money to lead and afford the kind of life you desire.

Quality of life is determined by the only person qualified to do so. You.

What I have come to learn, after many years of jumping through hoops, chasing stuff, burning bridges and broken hearts, is that it matters not where a person lives for him/her to experience their "best life."

It is where the heart is.

Today, Day 103 of the year 2015, my quality of life is rich and expanding! Single, with several very close friends who are family and some family members who are dear friends, enough money to meet my few needs and even fewer wants and a growing savings balance - I am happy, well and full of joy!

What about you? Where are you experiencing life in our world and what is the quality of it in your view? Write to me if you need some of my "methods" in life quality management. If you are where you want to be, share some tips with the rest of us here or on my coaching page!

Have a great week and a Magical Monday!


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