Impulsive? Somewhat
Driven? Absolutely about my passions
Persistent? Yes
Patient? Not very
That is the truth about me - some of my character traits, strengths and even flaws some might say.
What does that make me? Me.
To care for someone, to want to be in their life for whatever the reason whether platonic or intimate is to recognize, accept and work with each and every aspect of them.
In my case, it can be quite daunting but the possibilities are endless, if I may say so myself (with my tongue planted to my cheek).
Driving to get the windshield changed on my car, I received a message on my phone. Now having this fancy-to-me sync feature, I decided to call the messenger instead of pulling over to text him back. Surprisingly, given his busy work schedule, he answered and even more of a surprise he had time to chat for a bit.
Depending on your outlook and the thickness of your skin, the ensuing conversation could be considered rough or revealing.

Well at least for me it was and so much so that it had me thinking all day on just one point - patience.
My friend told me he found me quite impatient and petulant when things do not go how and at the pace that I want. Petulant is my choice of word to cover the more diplomatic ones he used.
Really? Me? Impatient? Still?
A part of me wanted to deny it but thankfully, defensive no longer describes me. Going back to my "fish bowl" days of chaplaincy training, I can take hearing someone's view of me, how they are experiencing me. I am most receptive when the feedback is constructive, caring and straightforward - and he was being all three.
Added to that he called me "Cute." Flattery always works to sandwich what could be a blow to a weak personality. Being neither weak in personality, big on ego or arrogant in my ways, I listened and heard every observation he made.
To grow, one has to be open to the possibility that past wounds are still unhealed. No one is too evolved or healed, not even Oprah, to not have an area or areas that need some attention. If that was the case, they would not be here on Earth but returned to Source.

Since yesterday, this blog and my coaching page have been focussed on dwelling in the possibilities. To my mind and in my heart that means being open to the messages that come and often through people. My friend yesterday bore an important message to me:
"You are going to miss the possibility of a great relationship - whatever it looks like - with your unresolved impatience."
There is nothing wrong with wanting to get things done, done right, in a timely fashion, efficiently and directly. My most anxious moments come with laggardly performance, beating around the bush conversations, unnecessary delays and shoddy service.
After ringing off from him, I went about my business but the conversation stuck in my head. The question was there too - "What now, Claudette?"
Patiently I allowed my emotions to speak at their own pace. I accepted and now I am embracing my residual impatience, recognizing that it comes from my sparsely inhabited fear room.
"Impatience is rooted in fear - fear that what is yours will not come, that you are undeserving or just it, whatever it is, simply cannot be possible." Claudette Esterine
Everything is possible. I have proven that not in limelight spectacular ways but in ones that have been superbly important to my journey. You can too.
This heart is always open to sharing with whoever asks. So drop me a line, leave a comment and/or visit my coaching page. What you will receive are not evolved suggestions or a sage's wisdom but the truths of a woman with a past making her way into an empowered today.
Photos: pinterest.com
Photos: pinterest.com
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