A recent essay of mine was about angry women and alignment. Two months prior to offering this service to my dear Sistahs, another essay of mine was on the subject of being the best version of yourself.
My affinity to this matter seems really very tight as again in February the essay that I posted was on the same topic. On this occasion, reference was made to my daughter and how she subtly communicated to me that she did not give two hoots what I felt about her choices.
Here we are again on the topic, pulling together all the elements covered so far. Sort of a part four in a series on "Standing In Your Own Power," if I were to give it a title.
"It really does not matter what anyone thinks of you," would be the summation of today's segment. This came to me as I tossed and turned in the wee hours of the morning, woken up by the need to use the facilities and wondering to myself what a sleepover partner would think of this.

"Does it matter?" that sweet but slightly sarcastic voice in my heart asked me.
No, it does not, really. Neither does it matter what anyone thinks about my lifestyle, happily single with competing interests at 50 years of age and in no rush to choose. Who gives a shoot what anyone thinks of my hairstyle (dreadlocks), my sense of style that is so not designer or brand name?
Does it really matter that I much rather solitude or the company of very few friends for even fewer hours than being the centre of attention at a ball? Do I really care what anyone thinks that I made a mash-up breakfast of bok choy, spam and fried dumplings this morning?
Some people will lead or attempt to coerce you into believing that you owe them an explanation about your life or the things and people that make you happy. You do not.
What I have learned after years of jumping through the hoops, taken over the hills people of pleasing and down the valleys of despair is that I owe shit all to no one!
I have paid the price for the joy and soul fulfilling happiness that is now mine! As one of my spiritual teachers put it, you pay the price to come into your true power.
My suggestion to you today dear readers, my wellness tip to take you through this day, is simple:
"It really does not matter what anyone thinks about where you have been, what you have done or how you are living your life today. Ignore their commentary. Do you. Be you. You are on the right path for you, however it may look to anyone. Own your alignment!"
Have a You day!
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