Tuesday 27 January 2015

It Is Indeed A Beautiful Life

A few people, maybe quite a few, who I know are unhappy with their lives. Some are extremely unhappy, disappointed and at breaking point.

Looking at the details of some of their circumstances, it would be challenging not to acknowledge that the circumstances are less than ideal.

With the mortgage or rent overdue, car payments persistently late, children school fees astronomically high and cell phone bill through the roof, one cannot but admit that they are struggling.

Does that however means that life is ugly?

Late last night while I was still at work trying to reconcile an account - something that is not my favourite thing to do but I am covering (again) for a colleague - the night cleaning crew came in. One of the ladies told me that it is her 65th birthday next year and she will be retiring after being with our organization for 40 years. "Time to enjoy life," she said as she passed her broom under my desk or my "house" as she likes to call it.

It is not my habit to compare my journey with anyone else's but as she said that I made two comparisons. First, it would be the death of me were I to spend 40 years working before I could enjoy my life. Nope, not doing it. 

I would rather have low paying, seasonal work for the rest of my days, positions that allowed me to have enough money to travel inexpensively by any means to meet and greet life in all its manifestations.

The second thing that came to me and I shared it with her, was her use of the word "house." When I worked in the penal system here in Canada, some long term inmates called their cells "my house." I always smiled when I heard it and invariably reflected on the one that I would be driving to after work. There was no physical comparison between the two - what with all the fandangles in mine and the pictures stuck to the walls with tape in theirs.

Yet, while most would exchange places with me any second, at the time many of them were intrinsically more happy that I was. You see, the janitor now and me back then, with all we have, we are/were on pause. The intimates were making the most of what they had.

Beauty is all around us. It simply requires our attention to it.

Sharing on my page earlier this morning, I mentioned that: "Life can be stressful or sweet...it all depends on your view, your attitude and how you choose to respond. Take mine in the last 12 hours. My daughter and I had a "moment" - a tense one. We both went to our respective beds a bit annoyed at each other.

This morning I got up intent on making the day sweet. What happened? We've idled away the last couple hours, playing with the baby and playing dress up in high heel shoes that I simply cannot wear!

Your choice, your life! Damned or Diamond."

It really is our individual choice to make a beautiful life for ourselves. What I know without a single doubt is that nothing much is required but our heart and eyes. My life has changed materially, from plenty to just enough. With that movement has come clarity of vision, pureness of heart and a resolve to never again be ungrateful.

Life is beautiful as you and I believe it to be. Dare to believe right now, wherever you are and with whatever you possess.

Have a beautifully blessed day!

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