Monday, 10 March 2014

Booty Care or Self Care? Which is Your Priority?

Nails done. Check
Hair coiffed. Check
Facial received. Check
Brazilian wax. Nope but it was shaved.

These are some of the things we, as women, do to take care of our bodies; activities that helps us to look good and feel good. But is that all there is to self-care?

Attended a church service yesterday and the regular minister was absent. She delivers a power-filled sermon every time that I have heard her. The person taking the pulpit was no match in terms of eloquence, delivery and engaging an audience. His more laid back, soft delivery, punctuated with an occasional joke, was sometimes hard to follow. However, there was a deep meaning in his message.

The substitute minister basically asked the congregants whether we are as mindful of our spiritual care as we are for our bodies. The response from most in the church, if they dared to, might have been "No!"

Self-care is spiritual and emotional care. 

How many times now in this blog have I quoted the passage, "Guard your heart with all your might as from it flows the issues of your life?" Focus on "stuff" - the house, the car, the nails, the hair; I could go on and that is "Stuff-care."

Breath, pause, reflect, be grateful, say thanks in all things; I could go on and that is "Self-care."

This approach ought not to be discounted. Medical science has provided ample evidence that people who actually stop and smell the roses, so to speak, have a better quality of life, are healthier and most definitely happier.

What is more amazing is that those who make soul-care (another way of saying self-care) the primary vehicle of their lives, are more prosperous. Do not misunderstand this to mean money only. It is more that they enjoy what they have. Those things they desire flow to them easily, why? They are focused on the positives in their lives so more comes to them.

Believe that or not is your choice.

My own experience continually proves this to be true. The more I turn my attention away from the stuff that I do not have or soothe my sometimes feeling of loneliness, the very thing or "better" comes into my experience. When I take care of me, physically AND emotionally, a person more in tune with me appears.
"Discovering the truth of who you are is the only way to love and care for yourself." Vironika Tugaleva 
Do you know who you are? Are you spending the time to discover yourself? How are you taking care of you?

Share some self-care tips with the readers and me here. Alternatively, tweet me or post a comment on our Facebook page. Another great way to take care of yourself is to get away and spend a week with me in Jamaica this December. Check the details here and make your reservation!

Continue to have a great day, loving and taking care of more than your booty! Lol

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