Wednesday 18 March 2015

Surprise Item For Sale; Price $0.00

Over my 50 years, more so with the advent of the Internet and the opening up of social media portals, apps or whatever the correct name, I have seen lots of creative things.

Most of the latest "big thing" are done largely and for maximum attention. The spotlight is on the developers, wanting to have their minute of glory.

This morning as I woke up and prepared myself for the day with a repetition of a morning mantra: "This IS a good day," I thought about the topic of today's Breaking Loose Challenge.

Three things would happen soon after the still small voice of inspiration gave me "Unconditional Love," as today's topic. Doubting the veracity of what I had heard and thinking "but we've done that several times on the DOS page," I thought to go make coffee and the true message would come.

Coffee brewing, I returned to my "pinging" smartphone to see the less celestial messages. I wrote about what happened next in my introductory post on my coaching page:

"Then I noticed three things:
1. A message in my whatsapp messenger thingy from someone that I had a turbulent 'ride' with, responding to my apology and request that we try to fix things between us.
2. Tweets from a friend in Africa that I will meet one day, responding to one of my tweets declaring my love for my followers and tweeps
3. This post/picture about Mr. Brice Royer advertisement for the sale of unconditional love.

Truly there are no accidents or coincidences in The Universe. Truly, this is a Universe grounded in Love!"

Initially I did not make the connection between the first two messages and what I had heard as the topic for today's challenge. When I opened the link to Brice Royer's post - that is when it all came together!

Unconditional Love!

Brice Royer, a human well on his way to becoming one of the most beautifully evolved souls I have virtually come across, lives here in my second country - Canada.

Relatively unknown outside of his community and possibly Vancouver to now, Mr. Royer's seemingly funny, done on a whim but terribly profound advertisement, to now, has had over one million hits. It is one of the most creative way I have seen in a long while to spread a simple message!

This number will most certainly increase as more and more of us share, write about and spread his story and advertisement.

Mr. Royer is selling a "product" that we all need, want and desire. In fact, we all already have access or better yet are born to the manor where this previous item is produced.

The sad truth is - many of us do not know that it is ours, that we can give it freely and still have lots more! My two messages prior to seeing Mr. Royer's advertisement were reminders even to me, one who thought she was onto this product, that I am one of its owners!

So what was Brice selling and what does it have to do with Day #17 Challenge? Well here is a snippet from his ad:

"Hello, I am selling unconditional love for $0.

Infinite square feet lot. Includes refreshing air, sunshine, the Earth, beautiful mountains and the ocean. A stunning 'classic' heritage made 4.5 billion years ago.
Address: Earth, Solar System, Milky Way. 
Available now to serious buyers. Perfect for the first-time buyer and experienced investors feeling empty and trapped with stress and pressure to maximize Return on Investment because of family and stakeholders expectation. 
I received it a long time ago when I was born. I received the gift of life from my parents, the sun, the water, the Earth, the air, a smile, a hug, a helping hand, without being asked anything in return. I didn't earn any of them. They belong to public domain, the commons, "Mother Earth" or God, if you're religious.

At some point, my ancestors were afraid and decided to own land that once belonged to everyone, sell services that were once freely given, and even own humans through debt. 

PAYMENT:I don't accept cheques or mortgage payments, only cash payments of $0. You are also welcome to re-sale it for $0. But I must warn you... it will multiply once you do. 
CONTACT ME:If you would like to join this incredible investing opportunity, you can email me by clicking on 'reply' to this post or visiting

Thank you,The seller 
P.S: Yes, I am for real. If you'd like to learn more about me, the seller, you can read this article on the Vancouver Sun. I'm a cancer patient who believes that love can heal me."

Read the full advertisement here, then please share it today as it will come down in approximately 35 days according to Craig list rules. That is the first part of today's assignment.

Secondly, I invite you to think of one person who did you "wrong." Nothing major like robbing you or cheating on you if you are not ready for that. Maybe it was someone who you really care about and some sort of misunderstanding happened between you and you are both still smarting from it. Reach out to him/her/them and apologise, genuinely so, hoping for nothing more than forgiveness. The relationship of course might never be the same OR it could get better??? Willing to risk that?

Finally, do something special for you, the primary channel, the owner, the main recipient of unconditional love in your life.

I have done activities one and two; now I am heading to do the third. Share with me here or on my page how did your activities go.

Have an unconditionally loving day!

Photo source:

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