Thursday 26 March 2015

Plato's Allegory Of The Cave: Relevant or Obsolete?

Refreshing my memory on some of the details and nuance of Plato's "Allegory of The Cave," I read a couple scholarly article on the work.

One that I came across was actually an professorial assignment, requiring students to write an essay responding to the question whether the "Allegory of The Cave" remains relevant to our times. The professor wrote:

"In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, he describes a world where prisoners live chained in a cave.  The puppeteers cast shadows on the wall and these shadows construct reality for the prisoners.  One of the prisoners breaks free and leaves the cave.  At first, he is blinded by the sun and apprehensive about the new world.  The shadows in the cave had always seemed so real to him.  After he has spent some time in this new world, he realizes that his entire existence has been controlled by others and he now knows the truth.  Thousands of years later, is this allegory relevant to our lives today?  Do we live in a cave where reality is constructed by someone else?  Conversely, is this allegory outdated?  Has the internet, public education, and improvements in transportation metaphorically killed the puppeteer?  Is our world more transparent than it ever has been?"

The several responses that I read all agreed that the "Allegory" still holds relevance to current times. However, 'how' was where the views mixed. You can read the responses for yourselves.

Were I to respond and write in 250 words at least it would be along these lines:

"Indeed we now live in what is widely and loosely called a Global Village, with technological advances casting a bright light in just about every dark corner.

Nonetheless, as was then so is now, the "Caves" remain legion and can be found not only on hillsides but in uptowns, downtowns, the suburbs, rural communities, in bars, in churches, temples and synagogues across our world. There are caves in many educational institutions - places of so-called higher learning, ironically.

Spiritual leaders, politicians, financiers and many movers and shakers of modern-day society are either shackled themselves in caves or keeping others shackled in caves of their digging.

Money, status, fame, beliefs, culture and prestige form the chain that hold many in these caves. Conversely, these are the same things that call many out from the confines - they are the bright lights.

So many today are prisoners in luxurious caves, certain that that is all there is, despite the urgings of those who 'escaped' and came back to call them to the 'more'.

Still more people today fear getting even a day's parole, an opportunity to step into the light of freedom just for a taste. Before the 24 hours are over, they run back to the shackles of the cave of familiarity, the known. These are people who won the lottery and lost all their millions in short order, the abused woman who was shown the way out only to return to her domestic hell or even the person living on the streets who, given a roof of any sort, quickly destroys and abandon it.

Then there are those, who I count myself among, who got the chance to escape the darkness and took it. No, we embraced it and loving the Light so much we return to share the glory of "brightness." Some, however, become as fastidious as the prisoners still chained and refuse to understand the fear and hesitation of our friends. They get zealous and righteously indignant.

Another group of former prisoners simply forget about the cave life and those still living it. They instead focus on their own baskings in the rays.

I am one of those who go to the fields, picking and harvesting as much as I can. At the entrance of the cave (Internet/Social Media), I set up a buffet table and spread a feast. Every day, as prisoners get parolled, attempt an escape or simply shout out to me, I invite them to my buffet.

Yes, The Cave is very much present but with the awakening gradually occurring and new ones being born who refuse to remained chained, I hold out hope that Love and Light will prevail."

Not sure how many words that is but that is my response. What would yours be? Are you in a cave of any sort? If yes, you might want to browse this archive, going back to March 2, 2015 and read the Breaking Loose posts. As well, you can check out my coaching page for more tips.

Have a blessed day and do come back for more!


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