Monday, 16 June 2014

Know Better? Then Do Better Now!

Claudette Esterine
Have you ever been in a situation where the moment you did or said something, it occurred to you “I’m better than that?”

It might have been on the job, in a relationship or simply driving along the highway after work in the heights of traffic and you gave someone the finger.

Been there, done that.

I am a very confident woman. Life lessons wrapped up in challenges, falls, heartbreaks, short-lived periods of joy that crashed into the 6’ high wall of failure have taught me how to be stronger. Yet, there are still times, even as recently as a few days ago when I thought to myself, “You are better than that, Claudette!”

My mother-in-law it was who actually inspired the question of this post.  She is a very active member of the DOS Facebook Group and a very candid one at that. Late last week, I waved my pink flag, my very girlie symbol of “I need help!” My Sistahs know me well and even though they all saw the flag and rallied to my side to offer their usual large portion of support, guidance and generally to hear what was bothering me, my mother-in-law made a statement that kept ringing in my head.

I could hear her Ontarian accent clearly in my head saying, “Isn’t there a saying ‘those who know better do better?”

End of.

Although my final decision and course of action were contrary to what most thought I would do (yes, I am a bag of surprise – LOL), Karen’s question challenged me to take the high road. Not much of an athlete, the incline of that road was daunting but I did what co-author, Clara Brown, loves to advise us all in DOS: I put my big girl panties on and did what I needed to do.

Is that not what Life calls us all to do – step up? Asking for help is not weakness. In my estimation, weakness lies in not knowing you need help. Once received, however, it is time to step up, shut up and do better.

It seems that I have inadvertently launched a campaign to “Love Mondays!” I recently learned from a might-have-been date/fling that the day of one’s birth is of significance in his culture. I was born on a Monday 40+ years ago and maybe that accounts for my love of the day. Monday is the day that I stepped into the world to claim my space and right to be here. More important for me, however, is that Monday is the beginning of the working week for most of us. We set the tone for the week with our attitudes when we open our eyes on a Monday morning.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will either be productive or pain-filled based on how we step up to Monday.

Today, Monday, I started my day just after 4:00 a.m. Coffee, posts to our Facebook page, tweets, responses to questions from would be clients of my independent distributorship, followed by a breakfast and time with a par amour, I stepped into my week. Karen challenged me to “do better,” and not being one to back down from most challenges to dig deeper, be more and love wastefully, I am doing just that right now.

What about you? Tuesday might have been the day you were born. Are you willing to “do better” tomorrow? Well if you are, now is the time to start. Stop any complaining you might have been engaged in today – about how awful Mondays are, how your life is progressing or about your co-worker, ex or boss.

Do better now and wake up to a Terrific Tuesday!

Share your experience with this here on our blog, on our Facebook page or tweet us!


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