Claudette Esterine |
It is also Hump month, therefore we will check in on those vision boards, list of intentions or resolutions and/or your objectives for 2014.
This is our third, I believe check in since we suggested creating a vision board. I have shared my update as of April and as Life is always evolving and I am always up for the ride, there has been quite a few changes along my journey.
What is so funny is that as I reviewed my April update and matched it to my original visioning/goal setting, I realized a few things.
- The Universe is really smarter and wiser than I am (lol).
- All things do and have once again worked for good.
- I nor you can control life. We can only control our thoughts and attitudes.
Once I "let go," completely surrender everything and everyone, magic happens.
'Magic' is precisely what has happened in my life since the start of this year. Money, great relationships, people who love and support me, a growing small business and increasing engagement on social media and the most terrific job that challenges all my expertise/knowledge/competencies!
Where are you with your set intentions? What have materialized so far? Are you happy? Do you feel good about yourself and where life has taken you so far this year?
It is totally okay if you said no to any or all of my questions. What it means is that you are still very much sorting and that is a great place to be!
Write to me through our Facebook page should you need support. You can also share your thoughts here.
Do enjoy this review day and I look forward to hearing from you.
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