A couple weeks ago, I attended my first Millionaire Mind Workshop. It probably is my last, however, the experience was another turning point one for me.
Coming right in the middle of the Breaking Loose Challenge that is ending today and hosted on my coaching page, my being at the workshop was no accident. Neither was it a coincidence.
The point of the Challenge is breaking ties with all that bind us to a life we no longer wish to live. For some, it was a chain and for others it was a single thread. Whatever it was the effect was the same - rooting and holding you (and me) in a past or aspects of our pasts that no longer serve us.
When the Challenge began, it was my distinct view that my knot had to do primarily with intimate relationships. This area of my life has been the most challenging, the most upsetting, the most crazy-making and the most outstanding. Quite a few "mosts" eh?
That view was not wrong but it was myopic.
One of the things that have proven very important for my growth over the years is the ability to listen and follow inner guidance. There is a hymn that goes, "He never fails me yet, He never fails me yet..." Attributing this steadfastness to Jesus, the writer of this hymn affirms paying attention to the Unseen but the somehow Omniscient.
My "He" is that Still Small Voice that speaks to me always. Sad to say, I do not always hear or listen. The idea of the 30-Day Breaking Loose Challenge was "His" and I listened and followed. As with every thing that I write about in this blog, this Challenge was primarily for me.
I am always grateful when at least one other is supported through my sharing my journey.
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Source: pinterest.com |
Ignoring that suggestion, granted I did know many of the affirmations, the techniques and the exercises to take control of one's habitual thinking patterns, my "learning" moment arrived. It was the moment that made clear why I had to attend and linked my relationship thread with a bigger issue for me.
In the informational email we got after registering for this Workshop, there was an instruction to bring $100. I forgot and only had $45 on the day. The Workshop Leader insisted that the few of us who did not follow the instruction stand up. If that was not embarrassing enough, he then gave us two minutes to "beg, borrow or somehow" get the money in order to participate in the exercise.
Right there, right in that he tugged on my chain!
Browse through this blog's archive and you will find many stories about my:
- Issues with money
- Reaction to begging
- Childhood in near "poverty"
- Bankruptcy
- Challenges mixing intimacy with money
- Strong sense of independence
Yes, I had gotten over, worked my way through, unpacked and healed even most of the above but this man wanted ME to go begging strangers for money? Me - the only black woman standing, never mind the other women! "Hell no, @$%& no!"
It took all of two seconds for all of my residual pain to rise and drag me back into my seat. Short of breath, I weighed my options:
- Beg the money
- Sneak out of the room
Shame either way - in my eyes.
To cut a long story short, I accepted $55 offered to me by a young lady sitting in front of me. A Caucasian woman. I am being honest and vulnerable here folks. This was another touchstone moment. Read more in an upcoming article.
The Universe was not finished with me. The chain was not off yet.
Suave, handsome and a self-made millionaire, according to the literature and his testimony, the Workshop Leader then led us through an exercise to burn the $100!
His team came to the front with lit candles, extinguishers and buckets filled with water. We were snaking our way - all 200+ of us - towards them to burn the money!
"Hell, @$%& no, I am not burning this money!"
"It is not my @$%& money!"
"Is he @$%& mad??"
I was not chanting but cussing like a prison worker that I once was. There was no way I was burning that money.
It was a test. He stopped us just as the first in line was about to burn their $100.
Assessing ourselves and the exercise after, most said they were going to do it. Some said they would not have. Those who loaned money said they were concerned for their money and, saving the young lady who loaned me $55, none of them got a "loan agreement."
My response got an A+. I was not going to burn the money because:
- I take orders from no human to do something that goes against my principles
- My principle is to respect other people's property and what I work for
- I no longer need to burn money - metaphorically and in reality - to prove anything to anyone.
Did you participate? If yes, did you learn anything new about your ties and did you cut them? If no, it can be done anytime. Simply browse here and follow my coaching page for details. You can also, always contact me.
Enjoy your Freedom Day!