"You talk too much
You worry me to death
You talk too much
You even worry my pet
You just talk
Talk too much..."
Those are some words from the oldies "You Talk Too Much," sung by John Jones. I have a fairly good, would even say excellent memory but it can be selective at times. One such time was when I had this song sung right into my face!
The memory of it only came to me as I sat to tap out this post on my Smart phone. Who and when did not accompany it but the pain and, yes, shame of the ridicule and admonishment are not forgotten.
That was back in my days as a major gossiper.
Talking too much and doing nothing or very little, is the focus today rather than gossip. Both however have one thing in common - they waste time.
Instead of doing what needs to be done in our own lives, many of us set up shopping selling the details of other people's lives or the fairy tales in our minds.
Why not spend the time doing, resolving, fixing our own situations than just gabbing about them?
My morning was quite busy doing just that. My previous evening as well. Committed to practicing my religion - Love - last evening I did exactly the opposite of what was suggested to me.
There is an individual in my current experience who I have joined on a roller coaster ride. Amusement parks are great places but I am not a fan of roller coasters. That is also true in my personal life. Excitement and exciting people I love but in measured amounts. This up and down ride that I have been on has been taking an emotional toll and I have been quite annoyed at the person.
Yesterday, that annoyance hit the roof.
Yesterday, that annoyance hit the roof.
Music came to my assistance, Kenny G and then some of my other favourites. By nightfall, when I was still enough, from that place deep inside of me, I heard, "Walk your talk."
I knew exactly what and to whom It was referring. It has been telling me the same thing about coming into integrity on another personal matter.
Humor led the way. With a joke, I sent a message and asked my "friend" to let us just meet and have a face-to-face instead of the coldness and easily misunderstood emailing/texting back and forth.
This morning, after doing my early morning routine, I hunted and gathered three years worth of paperwork and went about setting my house in full order. In the process, and this is how The Universe works, I came across and unopened envelope from a former employer. About to put it aside once again, the urge to open it became strong so I did. To my utter delight, there was a cheque enclosed for a nice chunk of change!
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Source: pinterest.com |
It is easy to talk, say the right things, preach the "gospel" of the good and moral way, tell or comment on other people's living but so hard to be what we preach.
My 'remedy' for that is: "Grab the bull by the horn, confront what's holding you back from living what you are speaking and, incrementally if needs be, just do it."
Wish there was another way but there really is not. Gandhi said it "Be the change you want to see." I will add "Be what you want to see in your life and in others."
Take it for a test drive this evening with one "small" thing and let me know how it went.
Have a great and " horn-grabbing" day!
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