"You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you..." And for sure I did not for the 20+ years since. It has been my longest, dearest, most enriching and fulfilling relationship. Every update, upgrade and new possibilities we have explored together.
Funny enough, I have never given my long-term mate a name. Strange? Yet, our relationship has and I am sure will stand the test of time.
When we first met, he (yes, for me computer technology is referred to in masculine terms) was chunky, big and had a black background with orange typeface. With the passage of time, most of my time is spent with his modernised version - Android - either in the form of my current Nexus 5 or my Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
As with cars, I am always upgrading my computer, phone and my general knowledge. More recently, I have been updating my understanding of relationships, particularly those with men. Steve Harvey was actually my first tutor on the latter subject with his book "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man."
Truth is, I am a lifelong learner. Challenges and risks are my forte. Tell me I cannot and I will prove you wrong.
My daughter and closest friends have heard me say and know that I am quite serious that when I stop learning, if and when my mental capacity is so diminished that I cannot think for myself and grasp knowledge enough to try out new things - take me out back and shoot me!
This is why you will never hear me curse winter, or the general changes in weather. It might be cold or inconvenient but necessary for growth and for evolution.
People who refuse to learn new things amaze me. I shake my head, smile inwardly or, to be honest, die with laughter when the excuses and/or ignorant comments are offered about changes in technologies or even the times that we live in.
“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” Alan Cohen
Some might suggest that you are fickle, unstable or even ungodly because you roll with the flow or truly welcome learning and change. They see your ability to move on after a breakup without rancour, welcoming being back on the dating scene as a sign of a promiscuous nature.
Your willingness to accept a lower paying job, start on an entirely new, less high profile career path is deemed as unambitious or that you have lost your game.
No you have not. At least not in my case. You might simply have accepted the consequences of your or other people's choices that have impacted your life in this manner. You then decide to grow and learn fully from the experience and upgrade your mental state.
Your job, marital or financial status is not a sign of success. Your attitude of gratitude to whatever circumstances you find yourself in is!
Day #4 of our Breaking Loose challenge is all about updating your inner software. The mission is to:
- Identify at least one area of your life where stagnation is setting in.
- Seek information about updates (courses, counselling, books, etc)
- Learn even one new thing, method, technique that will upgrade your view, approach, feeling, response on the issue
- Start intentionally practicing the update
It is my promise to you that if you purposefully follow the above updating procedure, your life will begin to change in ways previously unimaginable.

Be blessed and have a marvellous day!
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