Sunday, 24 May 2015

Sunday Special: Liebster Award Nominee

For seven years I lived in the Ukraine, studying at the Kiev State University. During that time, I travelled extensively across Europe and very frequently to and through Germany. West Berlin was one of my haunts, however, the word "Liebster" meant nothing to me until a message popped up from a Google+ friend and fellow blogger.

We first made contact a couple months ago, after she read my post on sex. Hardly surprising that it caught her attention, as she like me is seemingly no prude. Since then, I have had the pleasure and enjoyment of reading Abby L.'s blog. She is funny and a straight talker - no holes barred kind of writer.

Then she turns around and surprises me with a nomination for the "Liebster Award."

Sunday is not a day that I normally blog but Abby's nomination had made an exception to that rule. The meaning of "Liebster," according to her and she ought to know as she is German, is "the Loved One."

Again quoting copiously from Abby as I had no previous knowledge of not only the word but the award, here is what being awarded means:
"...Lots of love is being shared together with this award (basically it's a bit like a chain letter sent to bloggers of choice in the name of love, friendship and mutual support).

- Since it works like a chain letter, we have the choice of accepting or refusing to participate (especially if we've been already awarded in the past).

- As part of the nomination, we have to answer a few questions about our blog and us, thus making others discover our digital musings, as well as introducing new friends to the blogging community."
Touched, honoured, privileged and feeling blessed to be nominated by the community, and in the company of some awesome bloggers here are my answers to the questions.

1. How did you decide on the name of your blog?
Years ago prior to migrating to Canada, a tarot reader told me that my daughter and I are old souls with strong ties to Egypt. My daughter has always been fascinated with Cleopatra and I with the Queen of Sheba so his message to us did not feel too far flung. When I became a spiritual counsellor and decided to start a private group on Facebook for women, for empowerment, inspirational but more than anything straight talk - the Queen was my natural mother node.

2. Where does your blogging inspiration come from?
Without attempting to sound anything but honest, I arise very early each morning and ideas, thoughts for the day and often times the opening paragraphs for the essay is "downloaded" to me. It spooks me sometimes - the flood of information and guidance that fills my consciousness but I just go with it.

3. What is it that you love most about blogging?
Sharing my journey in an honest and open way without fear of censorship. It is my story and my experiences so no one can tell me how to tell it.

4. What is your favorite food?
The Jamaican national dish - Ackee & Saltfish with fried dumplings and plantains.

5. What is your favorite thing to drink (alcoholic or not)?

6. What is an item you cannot live without?
I can live without anything but would be hard pressed for a few days without my smartphone or a laptop.

7. What are eleven random facts about yourself?
Hmmm, 11 random facts:
  1. My eyes are dark brown
  2. My hair is getting gray all over and I'm embracing that.
  3. I love solitude (not so random)
  4. Ripe banana fritters is my favourite childhood food
  5. I sucked my thumb well into adulthood
  6. I am known to drive pretty fast
  7. I love President's Choice vanilla ice cream with strips of chocolate
  8. Paintings of nudes intrigue me
  9. Had a television stolen from me off of a train in Poland in the 1980's
  10. I hate folding laundry
  11. As much as I share my story, identifying 11 facts about me is a challenge.
8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Wherever my daughter and granddaughter are, there will always be home.

9. If you could meet anyone from history, alive or dead, who would it be?
The Queen of Sheba. Strong women who are humble because they know their power intrigue me and she is said to be one such.

10. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Walking along a riverside, deep into the woods and stopping for a picnic.

11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Writing, coaching and counselling (spiritual) full time from anywhere in the world, returning to home base at the end of a trip to savour the giggles of my daughter and the dancing of my granddaughter, Mahalia.

I now nominate the following awesome bloggers of Women of Midlife who have befriended and supported me. Some may have more than a 1,000 followers:

Instructions for the nominees of the Liebster Award:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do the following:

  • - Write a post about the fact that you’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award. 
  •  In this post, link back to and show some love to the person who nominated you, also nominate 11 (or less) other new blogs that would not have more than 1000 followers. Let these nominated bloggers know that you have nominated them and provide a link back to your page to ensure that they are familiar with the Award. 
  •  Display the Award in your post and in your side bar.
  • Answer the questions about yourself.
  • Put your post with your nominated blogs for the Liebster Award, on social media. 
Here are your questions:

1. How did you decide on the name of your blog?
2. Where does your blogging inspiration come from?
3. What is it that you love most about blogging?
4. What is your favorite food?
5. What is your favorite thing to drink (alcoholic or not)?
6. What is an item you cannot live without?
7. What are eleven random facts about yourself?
8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
9. If you could meet anyone from history, alive or dead, who would it be?
10. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Let's spread the religion - Love!


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