Thursday, 28 May 2015

Share & Care - L'Oréal Style

Diva I am not although one of my Guest Authors on this blog tries her best to get me to change my ways. My taste for stylish clothes is well up there with the more than average-dressed woman. However shopping for those outfits is not my cup of tea. 

What I do enjoy doing when it comes to the feminine, 'diva-esque' look, is make up. 

Over the years, I have developed my own style of makeup application. It runs along the same lines as my dress style - simple and, if I may say so myself, elegant.

Choosing a brand of make up was the trick. Growing up borderline poor, my choices were limited to my pocketbook. Hand me down make ups from older and employed female friends were my first. As my income increased and my knowledge of makeup application, my skin and what enhances my looks, I bought better quality of maquillage.

Aside from temporarily jumping on the bandwagon protesting the reported racial discriminatory practices of a manufacturer of body care products, I never gave much thought to the human resources practices of cosmetic companies. It just was not part of my decision making when it came to finding the correct rouge or lipstick.

That will now change.

After writing about InHerSight - a website and resource that supports women in or entering the workforce with information regarding the best practices of employers - I came across the report on L'Oréal yesterday.

This was after listening to a 2011 programme discussing "The Age of Aquarius," what it means to humanity and the energetic, vibrational and systemic changes we can expect to witness. One such change relates to the quality of relationships that will emerge during this time - more caring and less adversarial. Who would have thought that a cosmetic company would be the first evidence of this that I would see immediately after listening? 
 "L'Oréal is deploying its “Share & Care Program” aimed at guaranteeing the best social practices in welfare, health, parenthood and quality of life at work for its employees in the 68 countries where the Group is present. By the end of 2015, L'Oréal aims to reach 100 % of the social policy targets identified at the launch of this innovative program in 2013."

Talk about corporate responsibility - while helping women, like myself, look even more amazing! 

"According to Jean-Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO of L'Oréal, "With the “Share & Care Program,” L'Oréal's desire is to combine the globalisation of economic performance with the globalisation of social performance. This program symbolises the universalisation of L’Oréal’s social model and represents a real progress driver."

Employer of Choice For Women

These initiatives are for all employees in 60+ countries but I dare say that it is the women who will most benefit. As women and mothers, we are most concerned with the health and welfare of our family members. It is us who are more involved in the raising/parenting of the children. When it comes to work/life balance, I would venture to say that the scale is usually not tipped in the woman's favour. 

L'Oréal reports that it is on track to meet its targets set by the end of 2015. Two such targets are:

  1. To allow for a minimum reimbursement of 75% of health expenses for main risks, such as surgery or intensive treatments, in countries where the social health system does not provide such a coverage 
  2. To guarantee a minimum of 14 weeks of maternity leave paid at 100%

My current supply of blush, concealer and mascara is running low. On my end of month "To Do" list was a stop at my regular make up store. Having read this report, courtesy of BlogsRelease, I will be checking out the L'Oréal counter. Hope they carry products for my shade of caramel. 

Cela est très bonne L'Oréal.

Source: BlogsRelease
Image source:

This author has not received any form of payment regarding this post.

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