The usual follow up would be, "Do you run, do track and field in school?"
"No I do not and I wish you all would stop asking me that!" is what the voice in my head responded. However a meek, "No," emanated from my lips because I was too scared they would slap me if I were to let my inside voice out.
I am a fairly tall woman. Not Michelle Obama kind of tall but I do fair justice to height. My daughter, standing at 5' 11" does an even better job and, yes, she got the same question growing up.
Maybe it was guilt or pressure to use my assumed talent for running why I did take to a different kind of athleticism.
I chased people, education, some things and even jobs.

Then, I also took "butt-licking" and door-mat skills to greater heights! I was the best.
The challenge, however, was the sassiness that was an inherent part of my personality. I am a thinker, a very independent woman and a go getter, taking whatever risk necessary. The latter supported my brand of athleticism and licking/mat skills but my mind in tandem with the still small voice often contradicted my behaviour.
Trouble would soon follow.
My friendships and relationships would eventually fall apart. My tongue became too engaged with sharing my views rather than licking and being still. As people departed from my life, my tenure on a much-chased job abruptly ended or I lost or had an item repossessed, it dawned on me that things were really, really not going the way I hoped.
Years would pass before several truism would be revealed, taught and then walked by me. I came to them mainly through the spiritual organization that I was a member of but most were taught to me through my lived experiences.
I offer a couple to you today as we grow through Day #24 of this Breaking Loose Challenge. This series was designed to help break the ties, thread or chains binding us to a way of life that is no longer working for any of us.
"You become what you are be-ing." That sounds strange, wrong, stupid even but truth be told many live unconsciously and unintentionally. As you continue being a doormat, a marathon runner or an a**-kisser in certain relationships or say on the job, you transform into that in every aspect of your life. We simply cannot box off sections of our lives, thinking one will not seep into the other.
"Whatever you chase will run away." Whether it is friendship, relationship or money, they and it will run away, eluding you. This has been one of the most challenging lessons for me. I got it on the friendship easy enough and my ability to wish people goodbye heightened. It took me great financial 'losses' to absorb the same lesson regarding money and jobs.
Where it concerns intimate relationships, the jury is still out on that one. As a giving, expressive and openly loving person, I often think to be otherwise is game playing. Regular readers know that I am no "relationship expert," and look to those who are. One such wrote this:
"The most powerful thing you can do is turn away from the person you are chasing and provoke in them the response you are looking for…for them to notice you." Dr. Sherrie Campbell
What I know for sure is that with my sitting down when it comes to certain friendships, jobs, money and 'opportunities', I have saved myself a lot of grief. Paradoxically, the friendships that I do have now are so life-enhancing and my financial resources and employment gets better every day.
There is much more where those came from and I am more than happy to share them with you. Email me, tweet me or visit my coaching page and let us talk more.
In the meanwhile, check the races you are running today; see where you are being a chaser, a doormat or busy licking butts and decide if that is truly serving you.
Have fun no matter what because life is supposed to feel good! Yes it is!
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