Monday 4 May 2015

The Clarity Of A Diamond Life

Throughout my life and thus far, I have owned two pieces of diamonds. Real diamond.

Both were given to me by then partners. The first lovingly so and then second grudgingly. Today I have neither pieces.

Jewellery mean very little to me. Without a wristwatch for ages now, my phone tells me the time. Costume pieces are what I most frequently wear. In fact, the only piece of real gold that I possess is my last wedding band and I wear that on my right hand every single day.

The mate who gave me the first "bit" of a diamond that I ever had in my life was so excited to share with me how precious it was. My muted response was "Oh, I see." The cut, the colour, the clarity and the carat - the four attributes that one must understand to know a real diamond from a cubic zirconia, meant nothing to me.

Even today, researching "real diamond" for this essay, my head spun with all the intricacies of diamond selection.  The only thing that stood out for me was "clarity." Why?

Well, over the last year or so, I have been recreating my life, embarked on a new leg of my journey through this human experience and clarity has been a vital tool for me.

During this time, like a diamond, a name "derived from the ancient Greek αδάμας (adámas), "proper", "unalterable", "unbreakable", "untamed", from ἀ- (a-), "un-" + δαμάω (damáō), "I overpower", "I tame," my journey has had the same qualities.

Unlike a diamond in a fine jewellery store, my cut (place in life), colour (skin) and my carat (body image) were secondary aspects to my growth. There was a time when they were not; when my primary focus was on one or the other of these. Over the past 18 months or so, my attention has been most steadfast on clarity. 
Four essays embody what this focus has been:

My essays are really "sharings' of the road that I have either travelled or currently am on. Knowing that there are others who often feel they are alone in a particular experience, I share mine to support them. Through these four experiences of clarity coming into focus in my life, I was able to:
  • Simplify my surroundings, having only what I really need and matters.
  • Pay attention to bodily cues, improve my health by being clear that I eat to live and not the other way around.
  • Enclose my circle, allowing only those who understand and accept my boundaries into my innermost circle. As I wrote in a recent post, "I share publicly but decide privately." 
  • Know that my life has had its ups and downs, that my past path may be different from others but it is mine so I love it!

My place in life (cut) is always evolving according to the Master Cutter's design. My colour (skin) is an important aspect of me that shades the way I experience the world. My experience of the world and those within it is  through the clarity of my lenses. The carat of my life is based on all three.

I am a diamond and so are you!

Let us shine brilliantly together, set in the jewellery called Life. Write to me, share my page and join my list and receive tips, offers and special content for this Diamond life!


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