Thursday 19 February 2015

Stop Striving And STRIDE

You keep doing and doing but it seems to continually elude you.

Every morning you get up, dress your best, be one of the first to arrive, maybe you even put on coffee and have lunch at your desk but come promotion time - bypassed!

Bought the car but it is not the dream one. Maybe next couple of years you can. Got a mortgage but only for a one bedroom so the living room is the makeshift bedroom for your child. That will improve say in five years, you think.

You dress well, your body not in too bad a shape and your face is really easy on any beholder's eyes but the love of your life seem to be blind!

On all or some, a couple or even one front you are striving to succeed but it just is not happening. Fatigue is setting in, not to mention frustration. Every motivational, relationship and financial expert you consult tell you to "keep at it girl!"

For how much longer? That is your question!

It certainly was mine. Then I stopped. I checked myself. No warning other than sitting at rock bottom on the relationship, then financial fronts and there was no where else to go.

Nothing seemed to work for me until I learned to stop my striving and struggling. A believer that like attracts like, eventually it became crystal clear to me that for all my striving, I was getting more reasons to strive and struggle.

The moment stillness - literally, spiritually and emotionally - became my stance, things began to change for me.

Yet to win a multimillion dollar lottery, I am comfortable with my finances. Still single, I am happy with the relationship with me and that which I have with dear friends. Every would-be financial or relationship (speaking here about the intimate type) challenge that formerly might have had me flapping my wings about in a panic, now find me calmly taking them in S.T.R.I.D.E:
Source provides
This too shall pass
Right answers always come
I am capable
Deal with what is
Embrace the lesson and move on

"Take every endeavor in your stride. If it succeeds it is wonderful, if there is setback, it is experience." Anil Sinha

What can you STRIDE towards in your life right about now? Leave a comment here or visit me on my personal coaching page and let us stride together.


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