I drank the kool aid of positivity.
I am one of the C.U.T.E. ones.
Waking up every morning, I lie in my bed for as long as possible and tell myself how grateful and blessed I am. My bed is not the most luxurious. My bedroom, in fact my entire house, is sparsely furnished. Yet, my feelings of abundance, prosperity and gratitude is enormous and increase every day.
Married several times and divorced an equal amount of times, I think I will be single for the rest of this journey. Unless they make it legal to marry yourself. See, I am not sure there is another human being in this very vast Universe who can share my journey with me better than I can. Some have attempted, others simply walked away. I am grateful to both as they led me to a deeper relationship with Me.
My current job is no where as demanding, high powered or high browed as some that I have had in the past. Yet, I am so grateful for it. When I returned to Canada, I was very clear about the responsibilities that I was not willing to entertain in a job. Knowing that I wanted to work on DOS Foundation, my coaching endeavours and my writing, I asked for a job that would allow for the kind of work-life balance necessary. Thankfully, I got it.
I am living my best life ever AND it gets better every day! To live any other way would be settling.
- A house full of furniture and expensive adornments would require hours cleaning and hundreds on insurance. Nope, I would rather sail the high seas!
- A relationship that requires my undivided attention, mollycoddling, housekeeping services and nightly "entertainment" - Nope, not for me.
- A job that keeps me in the underbelly, the shadow of society, artificially responsible for the freedom of others - like my last high-paying one - no thank you! Any job that follows me home, filling my mind with politics and increasing my heart rate - Nope, I do not want it or need it.
Mandy Hale is absolutely correct when she wrote, "Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for."
It was not one but a series of heartbreaks that finally woke me up. The last one, to the little piece of a heart that I had left, was when I realized that I am C.U.T.E. and have no need or desire to settle.
With less house, less stuff, less work responsibilities, less (to no) relationship troubles - I have more:
- Me
- Time for things that make my heart sing
- Love

What about you? Have you settled in anyway? Need support in "unsettling" so that you can soar? Send me an email and visit my professional page for tips, suggestions and guides.
Be blessed and free yourself today!
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