Monday, 7 July 2014

The Sweetness of Life

Claudette Esterine
Life can be harsh, hard and sometimes downright horrible. It might be better to say that life's circumstances can be all of those things and more.

More often than not, however, life is sweet, delicious and delightful.

The bitter and the best of life may occur within the same day, moment and/or with the same person.
How ironic is that?

Almost all of the posts on this blog reflect certain aspects of the authors’ lives. The sour and the sweet of life, in this moment, are reflective of mine.

For many months, my relationship with my adult daughter was troubled, marred by unrealised expectations on both sides, disappointments regarding career choices, a failed business venture, etc. As a mother, I had certain hopes and dreams for my daughter. As a child, she had her own. As the saying goes – “never the twain shall meet.”

Estranged for months, actually closer to two years, with the support of my Sistahs of Daughters of Sheba who stood firmly in the gap for us, my hope and fervent prayer was that one day we would reunite. Yet, I was clear that that reunion would be on the basis of equals – with me respecting her choices as a woman and she respecting mine as a strong, independent, and very different type of mother.

That day came with the birth of my first grandchild on July 1, 2014.

Is everything forgotten, all the ‘failures’, disappointments, hurts? No. I hope not. Forgiven most certainly, at least on my part but not forgotten. While working in the correctional system, I was taught but rejected as a blanket covering all ‘evil’, that “the past behaviour is a pencil for the future.” Hearts can change, in my view and based on my own experience. Mine has and I have seen others do the same. It takes work but more so resolve to be vulnerable and open. It takes trust.

In my view, it also takes remembering.

My memory of the challenges that my daughter and I have experienced, makes the sweetness of the past week more than bearable. Seeing my Kitten’s face (that is my name for my granddaughter) makes the journey to this day that much sweeter.

Will we have disagreements between us, even fights? Of course! Up to yesterday we did! What I know for sure now is that nothing will separate my heart from that of my daughter and her first child – Mahalia.

I do apologize for the absence of our regular posts all of last week. This was due to the unexpected arrival of this bundle of joy one week ago. It is my promise that you our readers will continue to share my journey and that of my small family. It would be my honour to continue to share yours and look forward to your comments here on our blog or on our Facebook page.


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