Monday, 2 June 2014

Swag Or Slumped? How Do You Roll?

What is it to be motivated?

Clara Brown
Motivation comes in different forms. What motivates me does not necessarily motivate you. We are all motivated by different 'agents'. Perhaps it was my early socialization but I am tremendously self-motivated.

"Self motivation - the ability to do what needs to be done without influence from other people or situations."

People who are self-motivated can find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when said task is very challenging. They do so without giving up or needing anyone to encourage them.

My 11-year-old son has the tendency to be very impatient completing his tasks, in particular those not related to school. He sets his proverbial bar very high and in doing so determines beforehand how long it should take to complete his tasks. Seldom does he take into consideration the fact that there are things outside of his control that may delay completion. When this happens, he becomes demotivated and begins to question his abilities.

It is for this very reason why certain terms are NOT entertained in my household.  Terms such as, "Oh, I am no good" or "I am so stupid" or "I hate doing this." I try to instill, through positive reinforcement, those values that lend themselves to self-motivation.  It may sound strange but we all have the ability to be self-motivated.  I encourage this in my son as self-motivation fosters consistency, persistency and aids the individual in regrouping and trying again.

Motivation is a driving force.

For me, the word "Force" personifies strength or vigor, the exertion of extra energy to obtain a particular result. We frequently hear the saying,"If wishes were horses...." Well, the reality is WISHES ARE NOT HORSES!

Motivation is complimented or accompanied by 'strength of character'. On its own, motivation is aimless and therefore must be fueled by strength and a desire to achieve a goal or target. Example: Needing to lose 20lbs in order to fit into a magnificent wardrobe for an upcoming Caribbean cruise. The motivation here is to be able to fit into my magnificent wardrobe with the goal, to lose 20lbs.

"Motivation is the powerful engine that moves you toward success and accomplishment in every area of your life." Remez Sasson

My 'swag' is that of a person who is seemingly highly motivated. A few weeks ago, I was having one of my "pep" sessions with some of my 'mentees.'  One of them asked, "So, Miss Brown, what motivates you? You are always so positive. You are always happy. Seems you are the one Pharrell meant when he sang HAPPY." I chuckled and responded, without even taking a breath, "My motivation is intrinsic!"

I went on to explain that at this stage of my professional life, there is more gratification and satisfaction to me in being able to train, share my knowledge or be a positive role model to others. My experience and qualifications are more useful then rather than merely performing routine tasks and unless I can motivate or teach others, then boredom would set in.

There are those who are motivated from working, purely because their earnings pays the bills. Then, there are those who derive enormous satisfaction and fulfillment without consideration for their salary.  Some are at one or the other end of the spectrum, while some are like me and are smack in the middle.  I work in order to earn money but at the same time find my day-to-day work life intrisincally rewarding and satisfying.

We all have a built-in desire to achieve. What we want to achieve is personal to each of us and may change several times throughout our lives. Change, it is said, is the only constant. What motivates us in any given point will change according to said desire to achieve.

Are you able to muster the strength to keep going as changes occur in your evolving life? Can you motivate yourself or do you require others to give you a push? Do you swag or stumble through your challenges?

Talk with us here or on our Facebook page. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Have a great day Swagging!

Clara is a member of DOS, a regular Co-Author of our blog and an Insurance Executive who lives in Kingston, Jamaica with her spouse and 11 year old son.

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