I was a very proud (and what seemed to be life-long) career woman who waited until her early 30's to marry the love of her life. I also waited quite a while after that to try to conceive a child.
In fact, our Dear Son (DS) was conceived during the final month of the two year conception time frame I created for my Dear Husband (DH) and I. Seriously, two years is a quite long time to limit my weekend indulgence of red wine with dinner!
Not to mention that I could no longer take my daily migraine maintenance medication nor anything stronger than an OTC pain reliever to abate my chronic migraines while trying to conceive. I surely was not going to continue taking those ridiculously large prenatal vitamins for any longer than necessary. And hey, I was getting OLD! (Did we queue the violins yet ~ if not, they are long overdue).
Well, my clock ran out.
Just as luck would have it, the same evening my DH and I planned a fun-filled night of wining and dining with friends (LOOONNNNGGG overdue for me), the thought came to me: "You might be pregnant."
Tried to tell myself to stop the nonsense but, of course, my obstinate mind refused to heed the warning. I drove to the store and purchased an Early Pregnancy Test (EPT). The result: Positive.
Certain it was an inaccurate reading, statistics have proven that many EPT's are, back to the store I went. This trip, to make certain doubly sure, I purchased one…no - two…okay - three more tests. Results: all positive.
There went my wining and dining!
Well it may have turned into just a wee bit of “whining” and yummy dining, as everyone else enjoyed my coveted red wine with their meals. Secretly, I was feeling gleeful that a baby was on the way.
Nine months later, my little bundle of joy, DS, arrived. Eight weeks later, my little bundle of joy went to daycare full time, after all, I was a lifelong career woman – and as luck would have it, my job was a GOOD one that I really enjoyed!
Just as luck would have it, the same evening my DH and I planned a fun-filled night of wining and dining with friends (LOOONNNNGGG overdue for me), the thought came to me: "You might be pregnant."
Tried to tell myself to stop the nonsense but, of course, my obstinate mind refused to heed the warning. I drove to the store and purchased an Early Pregnancy Test (EPT). The result: Positive.
Certain it was an inaccurate reading, statistics have proven that many EPT's are, back to the store I went. This trip, to make certain doubly sure, I purchased one…no - two…okay - three more tests. Results: all positive.
There went my wining and dining!
Well it may have turned into just a wee bit of “whining” and yummy dining, as everyone else enjoyed my coveted red wine with their meals. Secretly, I was feeling gleeful that a baby was on the way.
Nine months later, my little bundle of joy, DS, arrived. Eight weeks later, my little bundle of joy went to daycare full time, after all, I was a lifelong career woman – and as luck would have it, my job was a GOOD one that I really enjoyed!
Almost two years later, DH and I noticed that DS was experiencing delays in
speech and cognitive development. We immediately
took him to a plethora of professionals for evaluation; only to find out he was
too young to be accurately evaluated. However, one thing DH and I knew - DS needed help. If no one else was going to do it, we
certainly were.
Who better than me? After all, I did have experience from working for Head Start and in facilitating and placing foster children. So yes, I should stay home and help our DS!
Wait? I should do what?? Give up my career?
I have to admit that was one of my thoughts, albeit a fleeting one. And yet another thought came to me – and this time I listened as it calmly yet persistently said, “This is the best job of your life. This is truly the opportunity of a lifetime, utilizing your experience to help your DS, your bundle of joy, the light of your life."
Consequently, I jumped right in. And that decision proved to be the most rewarding one of my life. My best job ever!!! And when I see the vast improvement our DS is making, it brings more tears of joy to my heart than I have ever known.
Who better than me? After all, I did have experience from working for Head Start and in facilitating and placing foster children. So yes, I should stay home and help our DS!
Wait? I should do what?? Give up my career?
I have to admit that was one of my thoughts, albeit a fleeting one. And yet another thought came to me – and this time I listened as it calmly yet persistently said, “This is the best job of your life. This is truly the opportunity of a lifetime, utilizing your experience to help your DS, your bundle of joy, the light of your life."
Consequently, I jumped right in. And that decision proved to be the most rewarding one of my life. My best job ever!!! And when I see the vast improvement our DS is making, it brings more tears of joy to my heart than I have ever known.
Do I get jealous when my DH talks about his many
accomplishments at work? Yes! I am sincerely happy for him but I am surely
jealous. Do I get lonely when
I hear of my friends going out for after dinner drinks? Yes! I think
the fact that they have a chance to unwind is imperative and should also be enjoyable
but, I am certainly lonely.
Do I want to pull my hair out when my DS acts up hourly while I am still struggling with my chronic daily migraines? YES! YES!
YES! I scream (quite loudly) into
my pillow.
I absolutely love my little family with all of my heart and feel truly blessed and very proud of ME to be able to help us all in this way!
Yes, I had your baby, stayed home and I am very happy.
What about you? Are you a stay-at-home mother? Share your story with us here, on our Facebook page or on Twitter.
Karen Jeanette is a member of the DOS Facebook Group and lives in Arizona, USA with her beautiful family. She will be a regular Guest Author on our blog.
I absolutely love my little family with all of my heart and feel truly blessed and very proud of ME to be able to help us all in this way!
Yes, I had your baby, stayed home and I am very happy.
What about you? Are you a stay-at-home mother? Share your story with us here, on our Facebook page or on Twitter.
Karen Jeanette is a member of the DOS Facebook Group and lives in Arizona, USA with her beautiful family. She will be a regular Guest Author on our blog.
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