Wednesday, 12 February 2014

If You Could Read My Mind

It will be a short post today. Why? Well, if I were to start detailing the random thoughts going through my head, this will turn into a novel.

Mundane thoughts such as:
  • Why am I the only one being bitten by these mosquitoes? 
  • How badly damaged are my teeth now from cracking three to four glasses of ice cubes daily? 
  • Why do I eat so much ice? 
Then there are the thoughts about my friends, the really close ones, that float through my mind over the course of the day.
  • Is she really okay as she says? 
  • Do they really have that great sex? 
  • I wonder what is really going on with her health wise that she isn't saying?
I am sure my friends will probably know themselves when they read this!

I get quite a few emails and inbox and direct messages on Facebook and Twitter, respectively. Responding to each, I always bring myself fully into the conversations. However, there are times when I wonder whether my response might be misconstrued, be too blunt or, heaven forbid, taken out of context.

Not to mention my thoughts around relationships, past, budding or the "not sure where this is going" ones. Only today, my random thoughts on this subject have been:
  1. What the hell does he think I am? Stupid? 
  2. He wants me to do what? Wait on him? Do I look like a tree? 
  3. If this continues for a couple more years, will I even want to be seen publicly with anyone? 
"Whatever results you’re getting, be they rich or poor, good or bad, positive or negative, always remember that your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If things aren’t going well in your outer life, it’s because things aren’t going well in your inner life. It’s that simple." ~ T. Harv Eker Quotes from Secrets of the Millionaire 
Some thoughts I entertain beyond their "random" nature, meaning passing nature. Allowing them to linger, thoughts about my life and how I desire it to unfold are my favourites. Thoughts about "doing what I love," how I will spend the day and what is flowing from me to share are those that I savour.

What are some of your random thoughts? How do they affect your day and your living? Do you believe the saying "What you think about [consistently] you bring about?" 

Let's share thoughts on this or any other random topic. Write to me through this blog or at our Facebook page. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Be blessed and have a thought-filled day!

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