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Photo Source: hnltv.com |
An article on www.devotions.com states that the proverb in fact reads: "Open confession is good for the soul." What the heck?! It seems to me that what this is saying is one has to publicly admit to sinning ("missing the mark" is my preferred choice of words) and not merely 'confess' in your heart. Do you agree?
Admitting you have made a mistake to self is sometimes hard enough. Add to that going to whomever you screwed over and 'fessing up' in order to be completely absolved is taking it to another level. I can hear some of you saying, "Just shoot me and get it over with!"
Apologizing for borrowing your girlfriend's lipstick without asking her and never returning it until she saw it on your dresser is one thing. Admitting that you and her boyfriend once smooched is going overboard! Is it not enough that it happened only once? "They broke up like three years ago so what's the point telling her now?! Hell no!"
We all join in the hue and cry for politicians to be honest and confess their misdeeds. A virtual lynch mob gathers when a scandal, especially the salacious sex ones or some financial wrong doing, is uncovered. That **** is juicy! Then why not the same standards for ourselves in our personal lives?
- I could lose my job.
- It could destroy my marriage
- She would never speak to me again.
- The whipping that I would get is not worth it.
- I would be disgraced in front of the entire community.
- My family would ostracize me/us.
Telling the truth, however, is such a power-filled action. Keeping secrets, requires a special degree in "Cover Up Artistry." You need several devices to keep up with the stories because one lie attracts another and the momentum builds until explosion point!Have you ever wondered why someone would confess to an action taken moons ago, one that seemed as if they had gotten away with it? I worked in the correctional system and one important thing that the parole board members assess is whether the potential parolee is displaying remorse. It is a driving factor why people confess. Other reasons that lead to confessions - immediate or delayed - include:
- "Guilt (for what they did years ago or recently or both)
- Closure (To seek help to get the 'demons' out of their minds)
- Seeking help (To find out why they have done these acts)"
While we are not in the "confession" business :), feel free to drop me a line should there be something weighing heavily on your mind. There are many resources available and I might be able to point you to one.
Follow us on Twitter @DOSFoundation and/or *Like* our page at www.facebook.com/daughtersofsheba for further discussion on this most challenging but freeing of act.
Have a great day!
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