Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Take A Chance On You!

Claudette Esterine
Today's audio blog is all about taking chances. Have a listen.


I am a huge risk taker. No, I would not necessarily call myself daring nor would I go bungee jumping.

Climbing Mount Everest or the Fast and Furious type car racing is not for me, although I find Vin Diesel extremely sexy!

The mundane, low flying types of risks are more my cup of tea. Things such as heading off to Europe - Eastern (communists) Europe before my 18th birthday, travelling alone on a train from Kiev, Ukraine to London, England and back with a ton load of 'contraband jeans' and electronics to sell in order to have money to take care of my baby.

Opening a luxury retirement home, a maid service, falling in love with an African man and packing my bag to go there against the wise counsel of friends, singlehandedly filing immigration papers to Canada for my small family and I - these are some of the types of chances I have taken.

"An unexamined life is not worth living," said Socrates and mine has been totally scrutinized! I have loved, lost, loved again and lost big time but I will never stop taking chances.

What's the point of living if we lock ourselves in boxes constructed by the fears of others? My daughter is six months pregnant now and I know she might be wondering how the little Kitten is going to handle my stories!

The story of how at 11 years of age I was participating fully in the electoral system in Jamaica. Use your imaginations folks! Lol. What will she think, our Lia, when she hears of my affairs, the real love of my life who shattered my heart after 16 years, the man who betrayed my trust and almost landed me in hot waters after I left my promising career for our relationship.

What is baby girl going to say when she is old enough to be told that I decided to hell with high flying, corporate jobs; kissed my degrees goodbye and chose to life how I wanted - finally?

My hope is that she will say, "That's my Cou-Cou," at my funeral, "always taking a chance even when everyone though she couldn't get any crazier!"

C. Joybell C wrote: "In case you never get a second chance: don't be afraid!" "And what if you do get a second chance?" "You take it!"

Life has been so rich for me and getting more prosperous with every chance I have taken. Why would I stop now?

Are you taking a chance on yourself; that your life could be so much more fulfilling if only you were not afraid to take a chance?

Share your story here or on our Facebook page. We would most certainly love if you would follow us on Twitter.

Go out now and take a chance!

Claudette Esterine is the Founder of Daughters of Sheba Foundation and Editor of our blog. She is a Jamaican-Canadian and a Free Spirit.

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