Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Side Girl or Wifey? Which Are You?

This quote really says it all for me. Could actually hit publish and this would be the blog entry for the day:
"There's a difference between interest and comittment. When you are interested in doing something you do it only when it is convenient. When you are committed to something you accept no excuses; only results." 
Not sure who made that statement but whoever it is, I owe him/her a kiss for being astute. Most often when we use the word "commitment," it is regarding relationship status. So, let's draw from that context an illustration of this significant difference.

"Baby girl, I really like you. I am very interested in you," says guy to girl he is meeting at the club. Girl provides her telephone number after a couple dances and one too many drinks. She rushes home and for every time her phone rings or pings, her heart skips a beat as it must be him.

Three weeks and counting and she has given up on him calling. She feels stupid that she wrote the number a napkin instead of letting him programme it into his phone. He must have lost it.

No he did not. The time was just not right to call. She was a sexy chick but he had to go out of town on business and when he came back all hell had broken loose by his mother's. He just could not fit her in, not even a quick phone call to say "Hi!"

It was not convenient. 

Change the script and boy sees girl on social media site. "Wow, she looks interesting but no way in hell would she even look at me." He clicks and moves on to YouTube to watch the game. This girl keeps coming to mind each time he goes online though and so after day three, he sends a tentative "Hi."

Girl responds and a conversation begins and he never wants it to end. She works nights he found out, so he goes to bed early and gets up a couple hours before she gets off and keeps her company. Girl mentions wanting to see the new band at the jazz cafe and he gets tickets although jazz is his least favourite genre.


This is the difference between paying lip service and providing service. You are willing to do what it takes to help out because you are committed to seeing something grow. Interested is you like the idea of a thing and might even indulge in it but only for as long as it or the person can fit into your rock hard schedule.

I mentioned in a previous blog post about my circle of friends narrowing. This is another reason, as I have embraced another profound quote: "Don't make people a priority for whom you are an option."

Check your life to see what really are commitments for you. What are some interests that you have been passing off as commitments? Very important as well is to identify who regard you as an interest and for whom you are a commitment that they cannot be without. Wifey material or side girl?

Be sure to stay in touch with me here, on our Facebook page and/our on Twitter. Happy to help you figure out your interests versus your commitments.


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