Monday, 17 February 2014

Gay, Straight, Black, White, Muslim or Christian: We Are One

As the song says, "I've been a few places in my life and time," and have certainly met quite a few people.

I  have sung songs with some, had meals, quarreled with others and made love with a number. 

Several things that I garnered from of these interactions, regardless where in the world they occurred or from whence my contacts originated:
  • We all bleed the same color blood 
  • We all pee and defecated 
  • All our tears are salty 
  • We all pass gas 
The list of our sameness could go on and I am sure you could add quite a few. Would you?

Such a deal is made about our differences. Sexual orientation tops the current list but racial differences sometimes still assumes the lead. The mode of dress in one culture is measured by another as incorrect/oppressive (the hijab as one example). Wearing certain revealing clothing is considered fashionable by some and others deem it a sign of lewdness and promiscuity.

You might counter that these specific examples are choices that people make, therefore are open to critique. Okay. Then what about the critique and even ridicule that many, unfortunately, have to offer regarding those who are physically challenged, with a body part that "doesn't fit the norm?"

My observations here ought not to be taken to mean that I do not critique or notice differences. It certainly does not. As the years go by however, I am learning to relax more into the differences that surrounds us. What do I do?

Well, my basic premise is that "We are One." From there, I allow people to 'tell' me who they think they are. This conversation is had verbally and/or by observing their behaviors and responses to events in their lives and environment.

The result of this has been two-fold: narrowing and widening. 

My immediate circle of friends and confidants has significantly narrowed, drawing closer to me like minded persons ad kindred spirits. These people share my approach on many things, including not being afraid to tell me when I have messed up.

Interactions with those outside of that previous circle is from the wide angle - still grounded in the principle of Oneness but operating on "It's Your Life To Live," engine.

Yes, I notice behaviors that are not necessarily ones that would be my choices but I am accepting that that is the way the observed choses to experience this leg of his/her journey. More and more then, I am able to "let it be."

Not advocating anything here but to share that focusing on our Oneness has brought me a sweeter experience of peace. I go to bed at nights now and sleep like a baby without anyone's business or way of being causing me insomnia. How is your sleep?

Tell me about it either here in our comment section or on our Facebook page. You may also tweet us.

Continue to have a great President's Day those of you in the USA! Those at work, give it your best even though it is Monday!

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